Unlocking the Secrets to Canine Compliance: Expert Tips for Mastering Dog Behavior Training

Mastering the art of dog behavior training requires more than just commands. It demands a nuanced understanding of canine psychology and effective communication techniques. Vivian Zottola, a foremost Applied Anthrozoologist and advanced animal trainer, gives you the lowdown on Best Practices For Behavior Training Dogs


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Author: Vivian Zottola

Vivian Zottola, MSc is an Applied Anthrozoologist, canine behavior specialist, force free advanced animal trainer and animal advocate specializing in the prevention and resolution of behavior challenges between humans and pet dogs. She is certified through the credentialing organization CCPDT.org as certified canine behavior consultant and certified professional dog trainer. She is also a CSAT, certified separation anxiety trainer. Vivian has coauthored 3 peer reviewed studies published in various scientific journals with colleagues at the Center for Canine Behavior Studies, Inc (dogstudies.org) where she volunteers as a subject matter expert. She has worked with hundreds of dogs (and their people) to successfully improve behavior problems and runs a private behavior training practice in the Boston, MA area where she lives with her husband, 3 dogs and cat. Check her out at BostonK9 concierge.