Assessing Your Senior Pet

The strong bond you share with your pet can sometimes prevent you from recognizing their declining health. For instance, your desire to keep your pet close may lead you to minimize their care needs (e.g. “It’s not that much work”) or overlook their difficulties (“He falls a lot, but he can still make it outside”). To provide the best care for your pets, it’s essential to set aside your emotions and objectively assess their quality of life. Despite your best efforts, many progressive conditions will eventually stop responding to treatment, or demand an impractical and unsustainable level of constant care. Read more from Dr. Jeni Goedken, Hospice Veterinarian…

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  • Dr. Jeni Goedken

    Hospice Veterinarian Dr. Jeni Goedken grew up in the Chicago suburbs as the daughter of a nurse and veterinarian, and her desire to practice compassionate medicine was born at an early age. She entered clinical medicine upon graduation from the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine in 2005.

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Author: Dr. Jeni Goedken

Hospice Veterinarian Dr. Jeni Goedken grew up in the Chicago suburbs as the daughter of a nurse and veterinarian, and her desire to practice compassionate medicine was born at an early age. She entered clinical medicine upon graduation from the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine in 2005.